Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In The Kitchen: Bored with Breakfast?

I'll be the first one to a fitness competitor the same old foods just don't fly ALL the time. Now, don't get me wrong, I do like what I eat every day even though 99% of the time it's the same stuff over in over again, just slightly tweaked a bit here and there. Breakfast can be one of the most repetitive meals for me especially, reverting to the classic eggs and oatmeal, only putting hot sauce or sugar free ketchup on my eggs and cinnamon and maybe a small number of blueberries on my oatmeal. This does get pretty darn boring day in and day out...and sometimes it leaves me craving something like pancakes, but HEALTHY pancakes. So, therefore I leave you one of my favorite recipes that you can really play with to suit your favorite taste/flavor.

I just combine egg whites and wheat flour/oats in a blender...I use a high powered blender so it really blends together well. To make the pancake more moist...I like to add about half banana into the blender. Spray the pan/griddle and then let it heat on med-high heat. After, I top with some sugar free cool whip (I like to keep it frozen I don't know why) and then also some walden farms sugar free chocolate syrup. I use all the sugar free stuff sparingly as I don't like to have too many things like that in my diet...but I do use it on occassion especially when craving something while on a contest diet.

Try it out and let me know what you think. Get creative with it!

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