Monday, September 12, 2011

Try this awesome easy recipe for breakfast OR preworkout!

Ok, so I think it's safe to say that we all know that the "instant" oatmeal in packets contains a lot of refined sugar. I believe in one packet there is at least like 15 g of sugar, and come on, one packet is NEVER enough to fill us up. So already, 2 packets of oatmeal can already add up to almost a can of soda! Gross!

The solution. Grab a high powered food processor or blender (hint hint buy a VITAMIX) :)
Blend your favorite berries (I like plain old strawberries...and add some stevia to the mix to sweeten it up)

And bam...a lovely breakfast and super ultra healthy for you too! (I also like to throw my protein powder in my oatmeal (something like a nice chocolate strawberry oatmeal-if I had chocolate protein powder)

Try it out!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remember 9/11 and be grateful...

Now, I know I normally obviously blog about training, nutrition and things relating to health. But instead of health in terms of those above things, lets remember how healthy it is to maintain important relationships with the ones you love. It's a day like today that reminds us to keep in touch with those closest to us...whether it be through phone, email, text, it doesn't matter.

The window of life can close SO quickly and in the grand scheme of things, things like competing in fitness shows etc are so small and insignificant. I've got to remind myself a lot of times to make that phone call to a loved one, because you just never know. Life is so unpredictable. Don't have any regrets.

In addition, a day like today, although sad, tells us all to get busy LIVING. There must be a fine balance of work and play in life. Now, I know too many people that play entirely way too much, never accomplishing what they so called really "aspire" or "dream" of doing. Other people work a lot, (myself included) and dont' spend enough time enjoying life and soaking up all the wonderful things it involves. Have that balance. Live with no regrets, and do what feels right and stay close to the ones that mean the most.

Be you, be true. And never forget 9/11/2001

Monday, September 5, 2011

Drink your way to better health!!! One of my favorite preworkout drinks while in a precontest diet.

As a personal trainer, I'm constantly on the go. Not only am I constantly on the go, but I am even MORE stressed (well, I don't get too stressed but more rushed to get things done I should say) when I am getting ready for a show. Sometimes food can get realllllly boring while in competition prep, and I'm okay with that. But you can still make things interesting it is all about experimentation and finding the right way and things to blend together. Well, you have GOT to try this one as this will take your health and energy to a whole new level preworkout. You can call it whatever you goodness, the HULK, whatever, but it's green. WHY? Because it has greens in it, yet tastes nothing like veggies. Ok, lets get to the good stuff...

The recipe:

1/4 cup almond milk
water(however much you want-depends on what consistency you like)
cup or so of ice cubes
handful of kale
handful of spinach
whole organic apple (seeds/stem and all-I have a Vitamix blender-pulverizes everything)
banana flavored protein powder
small handful walnuts (optional)

Blend on high for 20-30 seconds until smooth and creamy.

This is really good as the apple/banana flavor really comes out and you get all the health benefits!!! Low carb, high protein, all the flavor and nutrition!!!
