Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Columbia, MD Personal Training - It Will Never Be The Same

Columbia MD Personal Training – It Will Never Be The Same

Jul 25th, 2012 | By  | Category: Lead ArticleNutrition & Weight Loss
Two of the top personal trainers in the country have joined together to create the top Columbia MD personaltraining team ever.
Dave Shutler - Personal Training Ellicott City MDCOLUMBIA MD, Jul 20, 2012 – David Johnston Training and Dave Shutler fitness have teamed up at the Colosseum Gym in Columbia, MD. This combination of the region’s top personal trainers will provide clients with the best possible personal training available in the Howard county, Columbia MD, Ellicott City area. Whether you are looking to prep for your first bodybuilding competition, trying to get into peak athletic condition, or just starting your weight loss journey, David and Dave will get you there. Both personal trainers have been running their own very successful personal training businesses for many years. They will continue to operate their own individual businesses while teaming up and consulting with each other to provide the specific type of training that each client needs.
“Dave Shutler has been involved in almost every possible facet of the health and fitness world: from running a successful personal training business, to massage therapy, to earning his certified nutritionist degree, to competing successfully in both bodybuilding and men’s fitness modeling– Dave Shutler has done it all!”, said David Johnston.
David Johnston has numerous credentials relating to health and fitness: National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified personal trainer (CPT) certification, as well as specialized certifications from NASM (Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)). David has transformed and coached hundreds of individuals in achieving significant weight loss goals and overall living/creating a better lifestyle for themselves. David has competed and won in several  bodybuilding competitions, including taking 1rst Place in the Superheavyweight Division of the 2010 NPC East Coast Classic, Dave Shutler said, “This guy is one of, if not the most knowledgeable guys in the health and wellness field today.”
Both trainers believe that their services offer so much more than teaching you how to work out. Client Kristin N. said, “David provided everything: support, tools, knowledge, patience, accountability and experience that I needed all in one place.” Another client, Arianna R. said, “What I didn’t realize was that David was going to train my body and mind. I quickly was bombarded with his philosophies, because he doesn’t sugarcoat anything. He is abrupt, to the point and indifferent to excuses. However, if you do what he says, it works. David taught me what it means to work hard. David has shown me that I am unstoppable. David has given me the gift of myself.”
On their websites both David Johnston and Dave Shutler provide all the proof anyone would need to confirm that they don’t just talk the talk .On their sites you can find client testimonials, before and after pictures, photos and video of their own competitions, and well as articles on weight loss, fitness and motivation.
Are you ready– truly ready– to discover the best within you, and redefine yourself– your life, your soul, your body and your person– from the outside in?  Contact Columbia, MD’s premiere personal trainers, Dave Shutler and David Johnston, exclusively at the Colosseum Gym. And discover that which you were meant to be– the warrior within.
Visit and to find out more and to book a free personal consultation with David and Dave. Do it now!
David Johnston Training and Shutler Fitness provide life changing guidance through personal training, nutritioncounseling, and lifestyle coaching. Both David Johnston and Dave Shutler have competed in regional bodybuilding and figure competitions. They work with clients from all walks of life: Weight Loss, Sports Performance, Bodybuilding and Figure Competitors and more. The train clients exclusively at the Colosseum Gym in Columbia MD.
David Johnston
David Johnston Training

Dave Shutler
Shutler Fitness

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Joint Health: What's aching you?

Hope you found this video blog interesting! Contact me and let me help you achieve your health/fitness goals!!!

Dave Shutler
Certified Nutirtional Health Coach

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ShutlerFitness & Dave Johnston Training in Columbia MD!

I am very excited and proud to announce that I have decided to join forces with David Johnston Training under one roof at the Colosseum Gym in Columbia, MD. I am hoping to establish myself there as one of the most sought after and accredited personal trainers in Columbia, MD area. Training alongside my longtime friend and seasoned national level bodybuilding competitor David Johnston will help me to fine tune my already sharp tools and become a better trainer, thus allowing us to dominate the field of personal training and overall fitness and lifestyle change. 

Personal Training in Columbia, MD is about to get a whole new facelift. David Johnston has numerous credentials relating to health and fitness: National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) certification, as well as specialized certifications from NASM (Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)). David has transformed and coached hundreds of individuals in achieving significant weightloss goals and overall living/creating a better lifestyle for themselves. This guy is one of, if not the most knowledgeable guys in the health and wellness field today. 

Uniting both David Johnston Training and Shutlerfitness together is going to carry quite an impact. Bringing two of the most well versed personal trainers in Columbia MD to combine their knowledge of lifestyle and physique transformation, nutrition, training, muscle building and toning will surely create a formidable team that will be tough to compare with.

With that said, are YOU ready to change your life from the outside in? Contact Columbia Maryland's superior personal trainers, David Johnson and myself Dave Shutler, exclusively at the Colosseum Gym. Discover your true self and gain control of every aspect of your life, starting now.

-Dave Shutler

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Mood and Food connection: What's eating you???

In our society today, there are SO many excuses as to why our bodies are out of balance, both physically and emotionally. Whether it be not enough time, overeating, or not eating at all, these can all get in the way of how we act in general and really affects our mood among other things.

The first physiological trigger of negative mood is hypoglycemia-skipping meals, not eating enough at meals, low blood sugar compensation by adding extra meals--- all of these create mood swings easily and can make one irritable and anxious, just to name a few side effects.

Did you know the # 1 cause of domestic violence is hypoglycemia?  Bipolar disorder can be traced back to hypoglycemic swings as well.

What can we do to help control this through supplements? Of course, we want to look at our dietary needs and concentrate on getting quality proteins, healthy fats and avoiding high carbohydrate meals(stick to lower carbohydrate nutrient dense complex carb meals)

-Chromium helps stabilize blood sugar. 800 -1000mg a day divided with meals.
-L-Glutamine 500-1500mg of it divided morning/evening
-a good multivitamin should also be included

-with these added supplements, client should have more stable blood sugar in 24/48 hrs and feel better with relief of headaches, spaciness, irritability...

If the above doesn't work, try eliminating gluten containing foods next, as gluten can spark reactive hypoglycemia.

Depression and anxiety still present though, so try adding these powerful amino acids to the mix:

Neurotransmitters: 4 (regulate mood and appetite)
1)seratonin-natural antidepressants  precursor: L-tryptophan-converts to 5-HTP
seratonin-one of first nutrients lost to a too low calorie diet-females twice as likely to be anxious/depressed as males
2)catechomins-natural stimulants L-tyrosine(direct precursor)/L-phenalanine-500 mg lowest dose.
3)gaba-natural tranquilizer-Taurine and Theanine increases GABA levels
4)endorphins- natural painkillers/euphoriants - D-phenalalinine slows down brains destruction of endorphins and can help w/ stopping pain

Protein is made up of amino acids...these neurotransmitters are all amino acids, therefore, does it make much sense to totally avoid protein (animal protein at that) and just eat high carbohydrate foods (which further strips the brain of amino acids).

Therefore, the point of this blog is to stress the importance these supplements can have on mood and help a person get back on track. First remember to get your diet/nutrition in check, and then you can start to add in amino acids to the mix. You must find out which amino acids work for you because you can't just take a bunch and hope they work, because they can have very mild side effects if taken in abundance or just the wrong ones your body specifically needs. So take some time and figure it out, I hope this helps everyone be happier and healthier!


Dave Shutler
Health Coach

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Postworkout shake...What to put in it for optimal results?

So I read a lot about nutrition obviously, and have always wondered what the ideal postworkout shake is as far as what kind of protein, carbs etc to put in the shake. Obviously you must take into account your goals and what exactly you are trying to achieve. If you are an endurance athlete you probably are going to want a heavy carb dose to replenish those lost glycogen stores, as well as a moderate dose of protein. For a bodybuilder/athlete in the offseason trying to put on weight or add lean muscle, a moderate to high dose of simple carbs and moderate dose of protein (2 scoops is pretty standard) mixed with water is pretty solid.

If physique is all you are concerned about and trying to realllly lean out, then I'd just stick to the protein bc the postworkout carbs are kind of unnecessary.

But, if your goal is to increase lean mass and replenish glycogen stores, you can't go wrong with some protein and a few rice cakes with RAW HONEY on them. Honey is great because not only is it a simple sugar but contains so many digestive enzymes and has numerous health benefits in aiding digestion etc. Also, come to find out honey improves muscle recovery and helps with soreness.

So in addition to your postworkout blend, you can add some branch chain amino acids to help w/ recovery as well as a little creatine monohydrate to help w/ ATP increase as well for more "push" for your next workout.

Try these out and let me know what you think. Just be sure to STAY AWAY from fats immediately after your workout when drinking your postworkout shake. We want those nutrients in our muscles FAST and we can't have fat slowing the digestion process!

Until next time, train hard and remember: This is a LIFESTYLE.

-Dave Shutler

Monday, September 12, 2011

Try this awesome easy recipe for breakfast OR preworkout!

Ok, so I think it's safe to say that we all know that the "instant" oatmeal in packets contains a lot of refined sugar. I believe in one packet there is at least like 15 g of sugar, and come on, one packet is NEVER enough to fill us up. So already, 2 packets of oatmeal can already add up to almost a can of soda! Gross!

The solution. Grab a high powered food processor or blender (hint hint buy a VITAMIX) :)
Blend your favorite berries (I like plain old strawberries...and add some stevia to the mix to sweeten it up)

And bam...a lovely breakfast and super ultra healthy for you too! (I also like to throw my protein powder in my oatmeal (something like a nice chocolate strawberry oatmeal-if I had chocolate protein powder)

Try it out!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remember 9/11 and be grateful...

Now, I know I normally obviously blog about training, nutrition and things relating to health. But instead of health in terms of those above things, lets remember how healthy it is to maintain important relationships with the ones you love. It's a day like today that reminds us to keep in touch with those closest to us...whether it be through phone, email, text, it doesn't matter.

The window of life can close SO quickly and in the grand scheme of things, things like competing in fitness shows etc are so small and insignificant. I've got to remind myself a lot of times to make that phone call to a loved one, because you just never know. Life is so unpredictable. Don't have any regrets.

In addition, a day like today, although sad, tells us all to get busy LIVING. There must be a fine balance of work and play in life. Now, I know too many people that play entirely way too much, never accomplishing what they so called really "aspire" or "dream" of doing. Other people work a lot, (myself included) and dont' spend enough time enjoying life and soaking up all the wonderful things it involves. Have that balance. Live with no regrets, and do what feels right and stay close to the ones that mean the most.

Be you, be true. And never forget 9/11/2001