Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Postworkout shake...What to put in it for optimal results?

So I read a lot about nutrition obviously, and have always wondered what the ideal postworkout shake is as far as what kind of protein, carbs etc to put in the shake. Obviously you must take into account your goals and what exactly you are trying to achieve. If you are an endurance athlete you probably are going to want a heavy carb dose to replenish those lost glycogen stores, as well as a moderate dose of protein. For a bodybuilder/athlete in the offseason trying to put on weight or add lean muscle, a moderate to high dose of simple carbs and moderate dose of protein (2 scoops is pretty standard) mixed with water is pretty solid.

If physique is all you are concerned about and trying to realllly lean out, then I'd just stick to the protein bc the postworkout carbs are kind of unnecessary.

But, if your goal is to increase lean mass and replenish glycogen stores, you can't go wrong with some protein and a few rice cakes with RAW HONEY on them. Honey is great because not only is it a simple sugar but contains so many digestive enzymes and has numerous health benefits in aiding digestion etc. Also, come to find out honey improves muscle recovery and helps with soreness.

So in addition to your postworkout blend, you can add some branch chain amino acids to help w/ recovery as well as a little creatine monohydrate to help w/ ATP increase as well for more "push" for your next workout.

Try these out and let me know what you think. Just be sure to STAY AWAY from fats immediately after your workout when drinking your postworkout shake. We want those nutrients in our muscles FAST and we can't have fat slowing the digestion process!

Until next time, train hard and remember: This is a LIFESTYLE.

-Dave Shutler